Adventures In Uglyworld

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Series 2

Series 2 Action Figures

Almosts exactlies a year afters the firsts spaceshipper landereds here on Earths, it was times for me to once agains senders out an encodereds messager backs homes to Uglyworld, to lets everyone knows that everythings was alls "goods in the hoods".

It didn't take longs for them to senders me a replys, askerings if there was rooms for a seconds "away teamer" to travels to Earths.  This timer, I usereds my brains to fulls effects and agreeds, but onlies if they fillereds the stores rooms on the spaceshipper with the tastierests cookies that you can evers imaginers!

I was never so happiers to sees those cookies landerings heres on Earths, emmm, I means I was never so happiers to sees my brothers, sisters and cousins heres on Earths!   Mmm...cookies! Nom, nom, nom!

    Babo :)

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