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Ugly Adventures #0929 -
I knows that I doesn'ts have to explains sleepies too much to mosts of you as you likes to sleeps in for long times likes me when you has nothings much to do.
As Baz is workings all week when we is away I can just lies in beds until he's almosts ready to comes home for dinners and stuffs. Today I doesn't gets out of beds until nearlies dinner time, I just lies arounds in the hotels room and watches teevee's.
Obviouslies is obvious why we musts has sleepies, as we uses all our energies durings the day and then the sleepies time lets us rechargers for the nexts day.
I also gets to enjoys checking outs all the differents hotels we stays in when we is doing travellers, such as checkings out whethers the beds is softs or hards and how many channelers the hotel has, but I will explains more abouts this again in the futures.
So remembers to always makes sure you takes the times to get enough sleepies, as Babo says so!