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Ugly Adventures #0962 -
Please don'ts come any closers, I has uglies flu which is quites contagiouses!
At first I thinks I catched it from eatings too many cakes and stuffs yesterdays and not downs to the crazy weathers changes, as I is normallies totallies immune to colds and other stuffs, especiallies durings the winters months when it is veries cold and icy's.
I always thinked that I could stands the colds weather so goods because I has ice-
I am going to heads to beds early with a hots drink to try and sweaters the fever out of me, as tomorrows we has a longs car journey aheads all the ways to Freiburg in South West Germanies.
Does you has any goods ideas for cures, just incases it doesn't goes away tonight?
I is really goings to miss Bavarias, I has had some goods fun here in the lasts weeks, and finallies got to meets my goods friend Toto, who is supers cool, but hopefullies I will be backs here again in some months time to says hello to hims again!
Sniffs, sniffs...