Adventures In Uglyworld

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Ugly Adventures #1088 - Fields Like Heavens


Todays I waiters for Baz to finishes workings then he takered me ups a bigs hill to visiters the Burger Trausnitz, at least I thinkers that's what it was calleds - funnies thing is I didn't sees a singles burger at alls.

It actuallies didn't quites turner out as planneds, as by the times we arrivers at the castles gater they had closered it ups, can you believers our lucks!!!

Luckilies Baz had a backers up planner ups his sleevies, as he had spotteds a field fulls of dandemalions for me to runs mental through, blowings as many of them as I coulds manage.

So tireds now, thinks I need an earlies night as we must drivers alls the way backs home to Aachens tomorrow from Landshut, mega fars just because Baz says the hairyplanes smells bad, okies I makereds the smells bit ups, but it was funnies.

Sleepies time...byesies...!!!

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