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Ugly Adventures #1111 -
Todays I is so mega excitereds, and ifs you doesn't alreadies know whys then I betters tells you.
Firstlies this afternoons Scottish Mama will arriver to stays with us for a weeks and a bit heres in the Cookies Cave or Casa del Kohlscheid as we likes to calls it, how cools is that, I hopes she bringers Scottisher cookies withs her!
Secondlies what you sees me standerings besides is the awesomers new accomodationisms for alls of my brothers, sisters and cousins which justs arrivered a few minuters ago.
I suggestered to Baz thats me and Ice-
Once we has the new accomodationisms all buildered up I'll make sures that Baz takers some photomagraphs to shares with you alls.