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Ugly Adventures #1188 -
I is no strangers to feelings jetlaggered due to the amounters of travellings I gets to does with Baz, but this times it is at a wholes new leveller as I hasn't been ables to sleepies since I arrivers on Tuesdays nighter, and it's now in the earlies hours of Fridays morning.
I has always lovered the songs called Insomnias by the bands Faitherless, but now I can betters undermastands what Maxis Jazz is singerings about when he users the line "I can't gets no sleepies".
I thinks I has surfered throughs every possibler pages on the internets by now, thankfullies due to the time differences it means that durings the nighter here I can talks with Wage and Cinko back in Aachens with Mireille.