Adventures In Uglyworld

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Ugly Adventures #1251 - Bagelers & Dews


As we were flyerings over the Easterns coaster of Americas this afternoons I was keepering my eyes peelered for any signs of the Hurricaner Irenes outs of the hairyplane window, buts it musts have been either Norths or Souths of our flighters path on the ways in to Chicagos.

All that eye peeleringness mades me mega hungries, so when we was waiterings for our connectioner to Portlands I went offs and pickereds up some hots, fillered Bagelers and Mountain Dews for me and Baz to shares.

It seemereds to does the trick, as Baz tookered a coolers photomagraph from the hairyplane of a biggers wildfire which is burnings on the Norths sider of Mount Hoods where I gots a cooler mega early mornings photomagraph taken earliers this year.

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