Adventures In Uglyworld

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Ugly Adventures #1268 - Gooders Luckies


Mireille has a mega biggers examer todays, infacters it takers place in unders an hour, mentallers as we is still to goes to beds here in Oregons and alreadies they is gettering their brains readies backs in Aachens!

I wanters to wishers her mega biggers gooders luckies from boths me and Baz, and once the examer is overs and dones with then I can sharers with her my awesomer plannerings for her trippers to Americas for the next 2 weekers!  All she knows is we will visiters places in Oregons, Californias and Washingtons.

It's all toppers secrets stuff you sees, as I makereds a deal that I don't talkers about it alls until afters her examer is dones, so she keepers her brain onlies for unimaversities stuffers firsts, smarters, isn't I justs...?!?!?!

You can justs see a sneakers preview of what I has callered, "The American Cookie Adventurers Handy Handbook", perfecters name for it I thinks!

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