Adventures In Uglyworld

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Ugly Adventures #1330 - Ritters Sporterers


This mornings I wakereds up and discovereds that Baz had alreadies gone offs to workies, and Mireille was havings a longer lie as her universities didn't starters firsts thingie in the morning (she is so luckies at times, reallies!!!).

Anyways, I wandereds outs of my beddiesroom and findereds a noter which saids, "Babo, follow me for a surprise", so as I'm sures you can imaginer I followereds it to finds out what surpriser coulds be waiterings for me.

The trail endereds in the kitchener where I findereds a biggers pile of Ritters Sporterers chocomocolaters lyings besiders a bigs note from Baz saying thankers for putterings up the new lighters.

Wooohoooo, choco score...!!!

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