Adventures In Uglyworld

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Ugly Adventures #1385 - Gettings Fitter


Oh, hi's there everyones, I didn't sees you standerings there behinds me!

Sorry that I hasn't had much timers to pops by and says hello since Baz has been backs in Germanies, buts I has somethings massive comings up and I needs to be at the tops of my game.

Speakings of games, I askereds Santa for a newers game for the xbox360 called "Your Shape 2012: Fitness Evolved", and sures enough Santa parked Rudolf up on our roof and sent the very game I wanteds down the chimney for me on Christmas Day!

I'm sure you can understands that I is being 110% focused on gettings myself in shapes, and I promise to says hello more oftens in the futures, ok dokey?

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