Adventures In Uglyworld

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Ugly Adventures #1540 - Backs To Normallers


I puttereds Babo on the hots seater tonight and askereds him what he thinkereds he was playerings at withs the noter in the car reserverings the co-piloters seat for himselfs.

It turners out the poor littlers guy was worriereds that we would leavers him heres in the cookie cave when we goes on our holimadays to Scotlands this week.

Evens after I confirmereds to him that he was one hundreds percenters comings with us, I decidereds that I hads to does somethings to cheerers him up, so I offereds him the chances to wearers my brands new wooly hat that Mireille knittereds me incase it getters colds on the islanders of Skye nexts week.

So fars so goods, I can't believers that Babo even thinkereds that we could goes on holimadays withouts him, maybes the wooly hat will keepers his brain warms enough that it will functioners like normals again!

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