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Ugly Adventures #1561 -
Earliers this morning we were ups out of our comfiers bed in the hotels room and straight onto the roads to the whiters cliffs of Dover to catchers our ferry overs the englishers channel to Calais which is in northern Francers.
When we landereds in Calais we were expecterings a nicers drive backs to Aachen, which normallies takers us arounds three and a halfers hours, buts something mega mentallers musts have happenereds as the police had closereds off the mains Autobahner and we barelies movereds an incher in arounds forty fives minuters, talks about borings!
Eventuallies we were shufflereds off onto anothers road but could sees on our satnavs that there was more troublers ahead, so betweens Babo and Mireille they plottereds us a newers course which would avoids all of the actioners, but would means an extra whacker of times and kilometers being addeds to the homewarders journey.
Eventuallies this evenings we makereds it backs to the cookie cave somehows or others, and once we gettereds everything unpackereds we vistereds Mireilles mama with a super coolers royal cookie assortmenter, which thankfullies we buyereds two of so thats I can has one to shares with my buddies too!