Adventures In Uglyworld

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Ugly Adventures #1590 - Coolers Coloured Cushioners


The lasts timer we stayereds in the sames hotel in Grenobles, when we was checkerings out they askereds us to fillers in a questionairer on whats they could does to improvers the hotels experiencer.

For funs I askereds them to installers a bounciers castle for all the hotels guesters to unwinders on, and I also tellereds them that blue cushioners were so lasts decade, and that if they wantereds to brings the rooms banger up to dates that they wants orangers cushions!

Imaginers my surprisers when I openereds the door to my hotels room this evenings and finders 3 bright orangers cushions waiterings on me, how awesomers is that, coolers coloured cushioners rocks!

I needs to investimagate the rests of the hotels tomorrow to finders out if they also installereds the bouncy castle I tellereds them to...

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