Adventures In Uglyworld

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Ugly Adventures #1601 - Messagers Of Loves


I was outs and abouts explorerings the city of Hsinchu this afternoons when I gettereds a littlers message on my mobilers phone from Tray tellerings me to checkers out the photostreamer of Mireille, or highlandmonkey as she is knowns in the worlds of Flickr.

When I gettereds back to my hotels room I findereds Mireille had helpereds Tray in senderings me a specialers photo message which you can sees here for yourselvers too!

It's so much easiers to be outs here knowings that Tray is always thinkerings about me as much as I is thinkerings abouts her!

And thankfullies I also has Trunko here to keeps me feelering goods too!

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