Adventures In Uglyworld

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Ugly Adventures #1808 - Blazering Saddlers On Telemavisions


When I tellereds Baz that I just wantereds to has a nighter in the hotels room watcherings telemavision he startereds thinkering that I was getterings sick or somethings, untils I explainereds to him that my favouriters filmer, Blazering Saddlers was on the telemavision tonights.

What could be more funs than lyings in bed, laugherings my ugly butt offs at all the funniests jokers.  I wonders if Baz will lets me hosts a beanfeaster in the cookie cave somedays, it would be hilariousers!

If you is in the Uniteds Kingdomer, you needs to turns on itv4 rights now to watchers it too!

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