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Ugly Adventures #1930 -
If the previous days of our holimaday already seemereds to be super duper exciterings then you better takes a seater!
Today we sailereds over on a smallers boater from Arisaigs to the Isles of Rums where we explorereds as much as we possiblies could durings the afternoon we hads on the islander.
I convincereds Baz and Mireille to hikers up the Norths Siders Trail as there would be a gooders chance of us seeings Goldens or Sea Eaglers from the trail. Unforunatelies for us alls of the Eaglers musts have been hiderings as we didn't gets to sees a singlers one!
It wasn't so annoyerings though as we gettereds to see loads of porpoisers swimmerings and jumperings out of the waters arounds out boater!
Tomorrows we is jumperings on a boater again, this timer we will be visiterings the Islander callereds Eigg!