Adventures In Uglyworld

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Ugly Adventures #1989 - Chinese Cosplayers


Today I jumpereds on the metros line numbers 9 as I had heareds rumours of there beings a place callereds Thames Town, which was designereds to looks like a littlers section of Britain, rights here in Shanghai!

Once I arrivereds in Thames Town I feelereds like I was backs in Greats Britain, it was completelies surreal!  The inhabitanters of Shanghai loves to uses such a differents type of locationer for their weddings photomagraphs, and arounds the town square I thinks I countereds around fifteens new couplers having their wedding photomagraphs taken, it must looks just likes they has jumpereds on a hairyplane to Greats Britain!

It wasn't onlies the couplers who were enjoyerings Thames Town, I also findereds this super coolers bunch of peoples who was doing some cosplays madnessers arounds the town.  Checkers out the sweepers kick that this girl is doings behind me, I just hopes they don't tries to beaters me up!

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