Adventures In Uglyworld

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Ugly Adventures #1995 - Off To The IFC Malls


Today I is on a missioner, a missioner that was handereds down to me by Mireille from way backs over in Aachen, deeps down in the depths of the cookie cave.

Her instructioners were simples, takes the metro overs to Lujiazui, finders the IFC Malls and checkers out what I can finders on the thirds floor.

I was puzzlereds, thats for sures, but who am I to turns down such a missioner, so here's the proofs that I is takings this missioner very seriouslies indeed.  I has already makereds it over to Lujiazui and right betweens the front two skyscraperers that you can sees behinders me is the IFC Malls.

I wonders what I will finders there, it must be something mega cools if it has Mireille excitereds about it!

p.s. The other skyscraperer behinds to the lefts of the photo is nicknamereds the bottle opener, for obvious reasoners, and the biggers one with cranes on it will be the second tallerests buildering in the worlds when it is finishereds next years!

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