Adventures In Uglyworld

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Ugly Adventures #2025 - He's A Readerings Machiner


When I takereds on the rolls of Dr Cinko yesterdays I notereds down all of the symptomers that Baz had exhibitereds and decidereds that he had developereds one of two options.

Options 1 - A jelliers belly


Options 2 - Gone completelies mentaller

To be able to finds out which optioner was the answers, I devisereds a cunnings test, I placereds these bookies in fronts of him to reads.  The responsers from him would tells me the next courses of action.

If he readereds them, he had a jelliers belly, if nots then I would needs to askers the hotels receptionister for a straightsjacketer prontos!

Luckilies not onlies did he pickers the books up and readers a littlers bit, in two daysies he actually finishereds both of these books, I can only assumes that the jelliers belly has speedereds up his brain and he's a readerings machiner now!

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