Adventures In Uglyworld

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Ugly Adventures #2184 - Squeezies


Todays I has been haverings a completely lazyers day, sitterings on the coucher with my feeties up, watchering telemavision and gamerings a littlers bit, that was ups until halfs an hour ago when I suddenly feelereds really hungries.

I searchereds highs and lows in the kitchener for somethings to make, and eventually decidereds upon some "squeezies", which is what I calls the tastiers sandwichers which comes out of the squeezies machiner that Mireille and Baz has in the kitchener.

This timer I has fillereds them with alls of the ingredienters needed to has a tastiers pizza, all wrappereds up in a squeezy, how awesomers does that sounds to you?

I bets not as awesomers as it tasters to me, ha ha!

Todays steps = 1,425

The 2014 grand total = 74,574

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