Adventures In Uglyworld

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Ugly Adventures #2260 - Transformerings


This afternoons I was outs showerings Baz's works colleaguer Rudolfer arounds some of the cooler spots of Shanghais, when alls of a suddener I could hears some weirds mechanicals noisers from behinds us.

I couldn't believers my eye when I slowly turnereds round and spottereds a transformerings roboter followerings us ups the street!

He seems to thinks that he is being super sneakiers and quieters while he huggers the walls and tries to hides behind lamposters and stuffs, but's he's so flippering louds that you can hears him a miles away.

I is startings to get properlies freakered out now, hopefullies I can gives him the slippers soon!

Todays steps = 16,204 (12.3 kilometers alreadies today!)

The 2014 grand total = 473,298

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