Adventures In Uglyworld

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Ugly Adventures #2396 - Challengers Acceptereds


My gooders buddies in Indianapolisers, which is in Americas incase you didn't already knows that, challengereds me to does the ice bucketers challenger.

Fortunatelies I isn't a biggers baby when it comes to waters and icers, so challengers acceptereds!

You can checks out the videos of my gooders buddy icebat dumpings a pile of ice cubers and freezering colds water on my heads from ups above on Baz's flickrs pager!

The bests bit is that I gets to nominaters someone elsers now, so I has choosereds my gooders buddy Puff Puff in Los Angeles, you can forgets about winnings the Stanleys Cupper now Puffers, the only cups you will be seeings will be one fillereds up with ice cubers and freezing colds water, ha ha ha!

Todays steps = 5,681

The 2014 grand total = 1,303,209

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