Adventures In Uglyworld

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Ugly Adventures #2480 - Makes The Calls


I has decidereds to adds a subs-sectioner to my rules from yesterdays, and ins that subs-sectioner it states clearlies that ifs your travellerings partner is tryings to workies on a Sundays, thats you musts not only pesters thems, oh no's, you musts does it in a specifics themer.

Todays I is doings my pesterings in the forms of Jacks Bauer, my heros from the real lifes telemavisions series twenties fours, that guy is justs awesomes and we is all safers to has him arounds to protects our bums too!

"Don't fights it Baz!"

"I'll does it for full immunities, nothing less!"

"Makes the calls!"

Ha ha, this is greats fun!

Todays steps = 9,378

The 2014 grand total = 1,832,267

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