Adventures In Uglyworld

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Ugly Adventures #0589 - Can I Take Them Home?


Uglydog Ralf is beginning to get excited at the prospect of flying home to Aachen in a couple of days time.  Tonight he took a walk down to the reception as they quite often bake some cookies for the hotel guests.

He returned with 4 white chocolate chip cookies and quickly demolished 2 of them before asking, "Raaaaaaar, raaaar, ruf, raaaar!", thankfully Babo was able to translate it for us non-canine speaking individuals, "he says that he wants to takes these 2 homes to Mireille".

I pointed out that the cookies are better when they're fresh and that we've already got some other goodies to take home for Mireille and the other uglies, so Ralf and Babo demolished the remaining pair of cookies as soon as I had taken this picture.  

After eating them the pair decided to inform me with the following titbit of information, "Now we is alls ready to fly from Oregon on Thursdays mornings and gets homes to Aachen on Fridays mornings".

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