Adventures In Uglyworld

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Ugly Adventures #0624 - Lost Sushi


As I pulled into my driveway tonight after the journey home from working in Marburg today I noticed something running out of the way as I reversed the car into place.

When I stepped out of the car I could feel a pair of eyes watching me, and so I gradually moved towards the back of the car and looked around whereupon I found this little guy standing shaking.  I tried to put him at ease by telling him it was ok and that I wouldn't hurt him.

"Helps me please, I thinks I'm lost", he said.  I shouted into the house for Babo to come out and help me reassure the little guy, and as you'd expect Babo was the charming host as ever.

The little lost sushi is now starting to relax a bit, and the rest of the gang are making him feel right at home!

(as a sidenote, I've been trying to track this guy down for a while - easy if you're in the USA but not so easy for us Euros, so a big thanks to the guys at Mintyfresh in the Netherlands for getting him into their shop)

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