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Ugly Adventures #1009 -
Checks this outers, wowzers doesn'ts even coverises it, it is simplies too awesomers to keeps to myselfer -
We musts all workers together to saves them all and gives them the most awesomer homes to livers in (and no Jeero I doesn't meaners ucky yucky livers okies). What may nots be so apparents to peoples outs there who has none of us Uglies livings with them yets is that we all needs to have awesomes homers to livers with, as when we has awesomes homers we can be truly uglies for you alls.
They is due to arrivers next weeker on the fourteenerth or Marches, so I suggesters that you starts checkings how many pennies you has in your piggerybankers that you can spends on cookies when you saves and adopters some of my cousins.
And need I tells you how exciteds I am to hears that my own bird finallies gets it's earth-