Adventures In Uglyworld

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Ugly Adventures #1027 - Get Yo Streak On


I has been drivings Baz completely nutters now for over 24 hours with my freaky deaky streakyness, and this afternoons while we was on the ferry back overs to Calais in France I steppered it up a notch, oh yes I didders!

I waiteds until Baz was just abouts to nodders off, and the seconder he closers his eyes I jumpereds up and started running all over the ferry waving my hands abouts like a lunar-tic and screamings at the tops of my voice.

You can even sees the man in the photo holdings his head as I gives him some free pains, no payment necessaries, how nice am I todays?

Eventuallies the captainer comes and hunters me down with some of what he calleds "heavies", I could see why they gets calleds this as they lookeds like they eated all the foods in the foodcourter themselves, ha ha.  

I agreeds to finally calms down in exchanger for a big bag of cookies from their little shop thingy, but Baz isn't going to gets off that easily, as I has more streakings plannered for Paris this weeker!!!

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