Adventures In Uglyworld

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Ugly Adventures #1055 - Dishwasherings


It seemers like there is a never-enderings pile of workers to be done here in the new cookie cave, I really had thinkered that as the interwebs was now here that we woulds get some chilleringed out, feeters up times to surfs, but I was mega wrongs as there is still so muchers to be dones around here.

Baz and Mireille has been makings furnitures and going ups and downs the stairs all weekends carrying baggers and baggers of stuffs, so I decideds that I had betters helper out and gets all of the supers new dishers and bowlers washeds up that Mireille's mum buyed for us.

When I was in Englanders a couple of weekers ago I pickered up these awesomes dishwashering tabletters, which makes everything perfectlies clean in no times at all!

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