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Ugly Adventures #1126 -
Afters the awesomer holibaggings laster week, I is with Baz in Marburgers agains, and becausers of him havings a breaker from workings he has muchers to catches up with this weeker so I hads to finders myself somethings to does this evening.
No sooners had I switchered ons the telemavision had I foundered a Jackie Chan filmer that I hasn't seened before, callered "The Myth".
The film managered to confuser me at firsts as it jumpered from moderns day to ancients timings with the awesomer martians artist rememberings a paster life or somethings, I thinks I finallies is gettings the hangers of it alls now just when it's closer to finishings.
p.s. I knows Jackie is a martials artist, but I prefers making funnies and sayings martians insteads hehehe...