Adventures In Uglyworld

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Ugly Adventures #1307 - Yoyamarters


Wowzers, yups, biggers time wowzers, whys, simples, my gooders friendlies overs at Yoyamarters in New Yorkies sendereds me a coolers presenter alongs with my super coolers cousin, Cookie Dream Babo!

Thankfullies I didn't has a fighter on withs Cookie Dream Babo for the tastiers cookie as he was happies to lets me have it as longs as I lettereds him gets some dreamers in on the bed, so I am going to sits back, puts my feeties up and watchers the formula one racer from Korea lasts Sunday, what a perfects combinationer!

Thanks you everyones over at Yoyamarters, so cools of you to letters the Masters of the Uglyverse brings some more of my cousiners to lives here on Earths with us alls, you guys rockers!

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