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Ugly Adventures #1516 -
I was kickerings back watcherings the Formula Ones qualimifying on the telemavision this afternoons when suddenlies I could hears someone shouterings, "Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaage...!!!"
I jumpereds up from the coucher and runnereds in the directions of the shouterings, and findereds Cinko standerings in the dinings roomer holderings a couple of emptiers cookie wrapperers.
"I was doings my lunchtimers securities sweeper, you knows, to makes sure we didn't has any unwelcomers visitorings, and I findereds these beneaths the stairs", Cinko stutterereds and stammereds out, obviouslies feelerings a littlers bit terrimifieds at his finds.
Could someone reallies have gots pasters out defences withouts our knowings, I better goes and checkers up on the rests of my troopers!