Adventures In Uglyworld

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Ugly Adventures #1619 - Barferings


I had been hoperings that Baz had somethings cool orgamanised yesterdays for our Fridays evening, but when he finalies arrivereds back to the hotels from workies he tellereds me that he was headerings out for his workies buddies for a blows out beer drinkerings sessioner.

It was clearers than clear that I wasn't invitereds to joins them all, so insteads I decidereds to has my own blows out sessioner in the hotels room.

Today I is realiserings that it maybies wasn't the bests of ideas, as I has spendereds more times in the bathsroomer barferings than I has anythings else!

And to makes matters worse, Baz keeps laugherings at me when I makers all kinds of weirders noises in the bathsroomer, and he also keeps tellerings me that it's nobodies faulters but my owns!

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