Adventures In Uglyworld

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Ugly Adventures #1816 - Dealings With Bullys


After all the troublers that I has been subjectereds to in the lasts coupler of days I askereds Baz how to deals with bullys.

He tellereds me that there is two main optioners, optioner one is justs to ignorers them and eventuallies they will leavers you alone and go picks on someone elsers, and optioner two is that you should squares up to the bullys.

No sooners had Baz finishereds tellering me abouts optioner two, when his stories remindereds me about some tastier snackies that I had stashereds away from my recent tripper to the Uniteds Kingdomer. ricers krispiers squares!

Mmmmm, they is super tastiers...nom nom what was we talkerings about again?

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