Adventures In Uglyworld

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Ugly Adventures #1957 - Days Of The Dragoner


Today if was the Days of the Dragoner, as heres in China everyone was celemabraterings the Dragons Boater Festimaval, well I says everyone, what I means is everyone buts Baz, as once again he was workerings!

I jumpereds on the Metro this mornings once Baz had gone offs to work, and findereds my way down to Zhongtan Road where there were lots of mentallers racing each others up and downs the Wusongs River in their Dragons Boaters.

Unfortunatelies by the time Baz finishereds work and came on downs to meeter up with me, the boaters were all packereds away again, but at leasts he gettered to sees the signs and balloons which linereds the banks of the rivers!

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