Adventures In Uglyworld

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Ugly Adventures #0731 - Cinko at Kautz Creek


After entering the park through the Nisqually entrance Cinko's first main point he chose to stop at was just after the small bridge which crosses Kautz Creek.

From here Cinko folllowed a short trail (0.2 miles) to the edge of the creek and from there he was able to see right up the bed of the now almost dry creek and through the trees in the background Mt Rainier itself is visible.

He's really starting to get into visiting volcanoes now as he informed us when we got back to the car, "I has now beens to 5 different volcanoes since we arrives here, I is turnings into a volcano officianado".

I'm not quite sure if he's at that level yet, but he's definitely learning a lot about volcanoes on this trip to America.

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