Adventures In Uglyworld

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Ugly Adventures #1388 - Seriouser Issues


Talks about feelerings stressereds, bwah, whats a day I has hads here in the cookie cave!

I wakereds up this morning to the radios DJ tellerings the worlds and me that there was only 3 daysies left in the whole entires year includerings today.

I sprungereds myself straight outs of bed and onto the phones to speaks to my lawyer about whats this meanereds for me.

"Emmm, sorry Babo, you only signed a one year contract", he tellereds me.  Whats the hell, there musts be some kind of mistakers here, it's nots as if Baz has anyone else super cools enough to takes all overs the world withs him on his travels, well is there...???

I has been searcherings high and low for my copy of the contractor, buts no signers of it at alls here in my filers, surelies I musts has an optioner to extenders without havings to renegotiator my conditions!?!?!?

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